Saturday, September 26, 2009


. As the summer windes down into fall, and night creeps in just a little bit earlier each day... I find it easier to find a little more time to sit and relax. And therefor you are all fortunate to take in yet another load of the Canlas Family.
. Myer started into first grade this year. He's in a class of about 20 children and a really great teacher. Mrs. Tassi is a breath of fresh air compared to the high strung, overbearing kindergarten boot camp Myer graduated from. Each morning Myer wakes up early, looking forward to the day ahead. When asked, his favorite subject is recess... but i know he loves P.E. and science as well. I have the opportunity to volunteer in his classroom several days a week. It has been fun seeing him in a peer environment and to get to know some of his classmates. His friend Rebel has a different teacher this year, but he and Myer always seem to find each other at recess to play.
Here is Myer, six and a half year old, on his first day of school.

. The summer has been excruciatingly hot. Filled with headaches and a nauseated stomach gifted to me by the nasty heat. The temps were high, and the humidity even higher. We stayed indoors for the most part, avoiding direct contact the sun at all costs. Our trip to the states has been the highlight of our summer vacation. Getting out of this Okinawan weather if only for a few weeks.
. But it wasn't only the weather that made this trip so fun, we were also able to see family and friends who I've been away from for the last six months.
. We took a military flight back to Utah, space A (or space available). It is basically a flight that is on a mission somewhere, and they figure they might as well tote along a few passengers. This process I've come to learn is pretty much a joke. The ride in a cargo plane was fun and very laid back. Looks rough, but really not that bad of a way to travel. It's the unexpected trips, all the waiting, and then still there was no guarantee of a flight. That was the hard part to take in.
. For starters, when we were finally able to get a flight off the island, we were on pretty much a straight flight to Seattle, Washington. A few hour layover in Yokota, Japan, and then another in Elmendorf, Alaska. After takeoff, we learned that our hours would turn into days.... two nights on mainland Japan, and another night sleeping in the Elmendorf terminal. We also stayed two nights in Seattle after we landed there. But we did make it..... was it worth a free flight? I'm still not quite sure, but we did purchase tickets for our travels back to Okinawa.

. I was so excited to see my family. Mom and Dad were at the airport waiting to pick us up. And when we got back to their house my sister Liz and brother Korey were there with Tony's Pizza for me. I have the best family in the world!
. While in Utah, I was able to see all of my brother and sisters - new homes, new babies, new cars... who knew the world back in Utah wouldn't pause just because I was missing. I got to get my toes done with my wonderful sisters, and i had an evening out with all my best friends, Tara, Mindy, & Megan... A night out on the deck. Awesome! I drove down to New Mexico to visit a bit with my sister-in-law Carleen. We spent one day hiking Timpinogus Cave, and then swimming in Park City with my sister Jo and her family. Myer was able to spend lots of time with his best friend and cousin Braig. I indulged myself at my favorite restaurant, Elmatador (twice). And it was really, really great to see all our kids together!!

Myer & Braig Vicky, Daryl, Sidney, & Myer

. I was able to take the kids for a day. We went to Beuses Pond and fed the ducks, did some hiking and had Wendy's for lunch (I miss Wendy's!), then headed back to my parents home and they all played together for several hours. It was great to be able to spend some time with them, and I look forward to the day when we can all be together living under one roof. As of right now, Carl is planning on flying out to pick them up sometime in January. Only months away but it still seems so long. We miss you guys!

. After being away for a five weeks or so, it was nice to come back though. To my home and my husband. The weather still hot, but you could tell its slowly cooling down... heading into fall.
. On Labor Day, we took a drive to Cape Zampa. A light house over looks the blue ocean, and breathtaking cliffs. On a previous trip Carl and I paid 200 yen each to climb the stairs to the top, but with Myer with us we thought we'd save that activity for him when he's a bit older.
. From the top of these cliffs you will often see local fisherman; with their homemade extended poles which are crazy long to reach out far enough over the edge.

. All summer long we've heard singing and drums from our home late at night... the Eisa Dancers practicing for their yearly performance. It's within walking distance from the base and so when the weekend of the festival arrived we headed out Saturday night to watch them perform. It was fun to walk along the skinny aisles they call streets around here. Usually when we are out and about we are among the more touristy spots, with the wider roads, and bigger stores... but this time we traveled down some rural side streets. Little shops lined the road, and small houses. It is amazing what these people can do with so little space.
. The festival it's self was really fun. There were the dancers who were of course all dressed up in their costumes and makeup, but there were also people walking around in the traditional kimonos.

Myer in front of the night lights. A group of teenage girls.... yes kids here always throw up the peace sign for photos.

. In school Myer has already had his first field trip; I was able to accompany him to the Okinawa Zoo. This was a fun activity for all the kids. However, it was a sad experience for me. The landscaping was beautiful, and they had fun, colorful mosaic pictures on the walls surrounding the zoo itself. But it was hard to see all the animals in very small habitats, many of them very dirty. It was definitely not one of your American Zoos.

Myer and classmate Zachary climbing on a monkey.

. Our favorite attraction of the zoo was the orangutan. As we ventured passes, this guy called out with a screech, then preceded to hop up on a bench and clap. How fun! A clapping monkey. An obvious reaction was to clap back, to encourage him to extend his performance. Mistake. Another screech, then the insane jumping up and down, right before the tossing of the poo. And yes, it did get us. He carried on with his fit for about five minutes or so, picking up more of his feces, but yielding to throw again. Unfortunately it was after his little episode, that we saw the posted sign :

Yes, these are actual posters at the zoo. Check out the sign behind the lion cutout.

. Oh, and while we are on the subject of waste: our kitty cat is now potty trained! Woo hoo! No more litter boxes ever!

. So yet another exciting couple of months with the Canlas's. We are doing good and loving life. Work is good, school is good, and I'm still having fun being a stay-at-home mom! Everything will be perfect as soon as our other kids join us.
. Hope you are all living out your lives with happiness and prosperity as well.
. We miss and love you all!