Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hello again family and friends!!

Greetings from the Canlas Family!

Well, for starters we have adopted a new family pet (no it is not a cockroach this time, although it may look sort of like evil vermin). A sweet little kitty we found out in the jungle. Myer and I brought him home and spruced him up a bit....

After that first bath, and a quick dry with a towel he became just a little more adorable.

Carl named him Dipstick, because he is pretty much all white except for his tail; which is grey from the base to the tip. Bernie gets excited when the cat is able to come out and play, and whenever possible the cat is following Carl around and pestering him... i think cat's know who are not necessarily cat people, and they prey upon them.

This last month we also took some time out to put a little garden together. A garden, i know your thinking tilled land, maybe a little edging, lots and lots of flourishing plants. Yeah, that's what i think of too.... however, our garden consists of several pots filled with soil and a few plants.

Well there are some zucchini there, tomatoes, a few pepper plants and some flowers for color. We've also attempted some potatoes. It has been a couple of weeks now; my flowers aren't looking so hot, the peppers have aphids, and the zucchinis some kind of worm or something... who knows. Yes I've brought my wonderful green thumb with me to Okinawa, where it is supposedly hard not to grow things.

Myer has been busy this month with school activities. A field trip to Okinawa World, where there is the huge Gyokusendo Cave, glass blowing, Eisa Dancing (with the drums), and Dr. Fish.

At 5km long, the Gyokusendo cave is the longest in Okinawa, and the second longest in Japan. And of course for only 500 yen, i just couldn't resist putting my feet into the Dr. Fish tanks. They tickled like crazy as they ate the dead skin off my feet (of course not that i had much).

Myer was also part of a school program which the kindergartners put on... they worked very hard and did a wonderful job. It was the "Barnyard Moosical," each class dressed up as different animals, Ms Freeman's class were the Gourmet Goats. They sang a funny song about making Pizza Pies.

And just yesterday, Myer was able to lead his class in the Pledge. I missed it by two minutes, but Ms. Freeman raved about how well Myer did. She said he did the whole thing with no mistakes, and you could hear him perfectly. Myer is doing really well in school, even though he is taking speech therapy classes still. I have been meeting with his Speech Therapist every once in a while and she's been trying to get him into classes twice a week, instead of only once. So this last week i went in, and we chatted, and she was so excited that after several tests Myer's taken, we were able to up his time to 50 minutes a week. She boldly stated "we will beginning this right away." The funny part about that is there was only a week and a half of school left. But in reality, this will still be good, because next year he can just start off on the two days, and we won't have to test him for another three years. But we are all hoping and praying that he wont be needing her services for that long.


Myer has also been able to spend time with his dad. Carl took him on a lazy Saturday, to a remote place along the ocean, to do some fishing. I tagged along, but just sat back and relaxed, and took pictures. Myer had a lot of fun, its unfortunate that he didn't catch anything... each time they would reel the line in, the bate was missing, but there was nothing on the line... we are dealing with some smart fishies here :)


We went with the Cheney's (Jennifer and Randall, and their children) to this hidden beach. Up above on higher ground there is a memorial for all who have died in one of the most bloodiest WWII battles. This was the last battle before President Harry S. Truman, decided to use the atomic bomb to end the war, ordering planes to drop one on Nagasaki and one on Hiroshima, after studying the high casualty figures for Okinawa. There were many deaths due to the enemies on either side, but there were also many suicides here on this beach as well.

Thinking that this might be a sacred spot for the Okinawans, Jenny asked some of her friend who she works with off base. They explained that it is a spot, where many went to pay tribute to the fallen, and many others avoided the area of fear of spirits, however it was also not a spot where the locals would be offended of us visiting, and enjoying the many beautiful things this place has to offer.

This place was fun, because of all the huge tide pools... the ocean was pretty far away at low tide. So it was great for the kids to just go out and play. In the tide pools were vast amount of sea life... beautiful florescent blue fish, sea cucumbers, crabs, lots of little back starfish.

Here is Carl teaching Myer how to swim at Peace Prayer Park Beach.


It's about an hour and a half drive to Okuma from where we live. We had booked a cabin and were heading down to camp for the night. Up above, I am the one driving... yes i am on the right side of the car, on the left side of the road... all you Utah drivers better watch out when i come back, because I'm going to be all mixed up!

We were there as part of the Okuma Fest. There were bands all day long, hot sun, food and game booths, an area closed off for those huge, blow up slides kids love so much, putt putt golf, and way too many people.
Many of Carl's coworkers also booked cabins for the night, so it was like we had our own little community. It was nice by the cabins because they were just far enough away from all the festivities, but still close to the bathrooms. We did foil packs and fish for dinner, and ate some smores with the neighbors.
The next morning Myer woke up with a polka dotted face, neck, and hands. The result of bedbugs. He looked so sad and sick, but luckily they didn't hurt or even itch. Myer didn't even know they were there until he saw them in the mirror Monday morning; I let him stay home from school for the day- he loved it!

Early in the morning we rented clubs and balls to play some putt putt golf (no they do not call it miniature golf here), for only two dollars a piece. We played the nine holes, and then Myer was able to play again and again. It kept him busy for the better part of two hours... he thought it was great, all you can play golf. We finally had to pry him away when others started waking up wanting to use the course.
This was a fun outing, but i think next time, we'll stay on a weekend where nothing is going on, and we will stay clear of the bed bug ridden cabins.
As much fun as i am having here it's hard to think of all I'm missing back there in Utah, the birth of my nephew Korvin... and one of my best friend's, Mindy's wedding that they are probably just wrapping up right about now. Congratulations to you!
I hope you are all planning on some fun journeys this summer; and as soon as i know, i will let you know when i will be heading back for a few weeks to Utah! I can't wait to see everyone again, i miss you all so much!
Much love,
Katie :)

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