Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Birthentines Day

As the month of February develops, so does love. Ahh, the romance, the bliss, the roses, the chocolates, the romantic dinners, the chaos, the 'I can't believe you forgot Valentine's Day!' the 'sorrys,' the tears, the tantrums, the... Oh, I'm rambling on.

Anyway, Valentines day... pure bliss, right? Right? Carl and I both decided to put a nix on the whole thing. No, there were no big scenarios as the one above, we just have more important things to do.

However, with the big V-day tucked away, this day does not pass us by without a little chaos. February the 14th just so happens to be Myer's birthday. He turned seven this year. Can you believe it? I am getting old. Blegh!

Our week was filled with party planning, praying for good weather, cupcakes for school, and a special birthday cake for Myer. Did I leave anything out? Oh, crap!! I've got to run back to the store, for his birthday present. Needless to say, that it is still Valentines, for the rest of the world, and the rest of the world is raiding the only retail store on base for pretty much the same reason. This was no quick jont.

But what is any boy's b-day without all the preparations? Of course, there is still just one more loop for me to jump through... this world wide special day, happens to be Carl's birthday as well. I guess I've got one more cake to bake.
Party invites.
Took Myer two blows to get all them candles out.

The weather did hold out, and we were able to hit a bucket of balls.

Dorvall, Spencer, Myer, Nathan, & Abby enjoying some Pizza.

I think this is the most looked forward time for any child's birthday.... the opening of the gifts. Myer was spoiled. Binoculars and a watch from his parents, a Nerf gun from Grandma and Grandpa Linford (he loves it, and is constantly outside with his friends having a war), something for the DS (beats me what it is, we will have to let Carl figure out that one, but Myer was way, WAY excited about it), slingshot, some Star Wars action figures, and a gift certificate to the BX, which he wants to use towards a scooter he's saving up for.

Yes, I realize I misspelled birthday....
And striking. O-well.
When all said and done, the smiles and laughter make it all worth it. And now with two of my boys another year older (FYI Carl is now 32... what an old man huh?), we can sit back and relax until we figure out what's next in life.
Hope you all had a wonderful Valentines Day, I know we did!
Love you all!

1 comment:

Daniel and Megan said...

Happy Birtday Myer and Carl!! (misspelled on purpose :P )